Defending the Rose

Last night, I went to the theatre with some friends to see Knights Of The Rose. We bought the tickets when we saw the song list and couldn't resist it. But then as the day of the show grew closer I started to read reviews, and let's just say they weren't great. In fact they were mostly awful. Well, let's be a little more specific; the reviews were universally terrible. I started to become concerned. The main concern of the reviewers seemed to be that the show was unknowing. They suggested that whereas shows such as We Will Rock You and Rock Of Ages were ridiculous, they revelled in their own pomposity and broke the fourth wall to let you know that they were in on the joke. No such fourth wall breaking here, and there was a clear thread in all the reviews that the show didn't know how silly it all was. But we had tickets, and so we turned up at the theatre and chatted beforehand about just how bad this could possibly be. And we braced...