Room 101
I hold myself account to a rule of being only positive online, but I'm going to allow myself one post on here which is slightly more negative. Recently, I've caught a few episodes of Room 101 and it got me thinking what I'd banish to Room 101 if I had the chance. Picking things such as "poverty" or "war" would be very worthy but would frankly say very little about me and given that this is all but artifice, there seems like utility in picking things so important. So forgive me a little indulgence , and here are the ten things I'd banish to Room 101 and remove from the world if I could. 1. People who get in the way Maybe this particular choice is what inspired the whole post, as I did get inwardly quite wound up by a woman in Boots last night who was aimlessly wandering the aisles wearing a a large backpack, wearing headphones and eating a banana oblivious to all the people she was blocking from walking past. But it's not just in Boots;...