It's been a while
It's been a long while since I've written in here. Probably so long that I should consider this a new blog rather than just skipping over the gap like nothing happened. Well not much has happened. Well not in my life anyway. Oh, well I went on a really long holiday, but not much besides that. The holiday wasn't the length of the whole gap away from this blog though. So I don't really have an excuse. Anyway, like many people, last week I updated my Facebook picture to include a French flag. I didn't use one of the in-built overlay things; I found a picture of a French flag in my own photos and used that. But now I'm stuck with it. It's made me realise when I never usually do these things. No Pride flag, no Red Ribbon on World AIDS Day. It's not because I don't care, it's to avoid the awkwardness of when you take it down again. It's a bit easier when it's a particular day. You can take it down as soon as that day is over. Bu...