Be careful what you say
I always try to be careful what I say. I don't always succeed, and from time to time I do say things I wish I hadn't, but generally I try to think of how what I say - and how I say it - may affect someone else. I was thinking the other day of my time back at Symbian, many years ago. Back in the day, I moved down to London for work, and was just settling into a new job, a new flat and the idea that I now lived in London rather than just visited. I was young, excited and eager. All of those things have worn off with the years, but back then I was keen. Back at Symbian we used Lotus Notes for email. Yes, really. It had this peculiar habit that whenever you set an Out Of Office message, it would retrospectively send a message to all the people who had emailed you during the day. I'd never used it before working at Symbian, so I wasn't to know this. A few months into working there, I had a week off and so set an Out Of Office, as did ev...