This Year's Christmas Cards in Statistics (or... "How bored can one person be at Christmas?")
Someone said to me the other day "it's a very glittery year for Christmas Cards, isn't it?". So that got me thinking - how many Christmas Cards do have glitter on them these days? And so I looked through all the cards sitting on our sideboard, and I counted. The result is below... So there you have it. 40% of the cards we received this year have glitter on them. But that's not very rigorous, is it? So before I start going deeper into some stats about this year's Christmas cards, let me tighten things up a little bit. Firstly, sample size. Well to tell you how many Christmas cards we received would be vulgar, and definitely "not a very British thing to do" so I'm not going to tell you the sample size. But I will tell you that it's large enough that these figures are pretty meaningful. Of course, the sample is biased by the fact that we only received cards from people we know - and we probably do know people who fit more ...