I was driving through North Greenwich earlier today. I'd just been into the Asda there, which I can say was a truly horrible experience. For reasons I won't go into, I just needed a few things. I knew exactly what I wanted, and knew whereabouts I'd find them. It was still like wading through a level of hell trying to get a few groceries and get out again quickly. I've nothing against Asda, per se, but that one just felt full of people squabbling, pushing and letting their children run riot. *shudders* Anyway, after that, driving back towards the Blackwall Tunnel, and there was a sign for a new development. Apparently they are offering a thing called an "uberhaus". I know enough German to construct what that may mean, but Googling for the word gave me just the link back to that development's website. This is obviously some horrible made-up word to try to make their offering sound special. Like "Olay Renegeris" and "Tefal Resistium...