2012 - Hello and Goodbye
2012 has been a funny old year - but I guess that's true of every year. 12 months is a long time, and there are bound to be a lot of things to look back on during the year. As I've got older, it seems that every year is less interesting than the last, but I'm starting to wonder whether that's just the cynicism of age rather than life getting calmer. For every "Hello" there is a "Goodbye" and the biggest goodbye I've had to say this year was to my Grandmother . For as long as I can remember - that's over thirty years - my family has had three strands - my Mum, my Dad and my Granny. Every birthday I had three main presents, every Christmas I had three phone calls to make and every holiday I had three presents to buy. That has all changed over the past few years. Two years ago, I lost my Dad to lung failure and this year I lost my Granny. My family life will never be the same again, and Christmas just wasn't the same this year. Of...