Naked photos on the tube
OK. So it's not that late. It's only half past eleven. But it's late for me. It's certainly later that I'm usually on the tube. I know that London has a second "rush hour" around 11pm at night, but it's not something I experience all that often. But tonight I was out with some work people over in West London and I headed off at a sensible time to make my way across town. One of the joys of living relatively centrally is that cabs don't break the bank. In all honesty I'm not out that often, and so getting a cab home from the centre of town is so rare it's affordable. But not tonight. Not all the way from Shepherd's Bush. So I plodded my way through West London, Google Maps guiding the way, and ended up at White City. I jumped onto the Central Line and grabbed myself a seat. The carriage was mostly full of people lying along the seats, half asleep. But opposite me was a guy with a funky hair cut eating a bar of chocolat...