A garden in September
A while ago, I wrote a post about how we'd created a roof garden here in Wapping, London. That was almost a year ago now, and so I thought it time to write a little more about what's been happening in the garden this year and what I've been up to in the garden over the past few weeks. Generally, this time of year is quite dull in the garden. The tasks at hand are dead-heading and tidying and all the showy summer blooms are coming to an end. We still have a few roses and fuschias putting in a last flash of colour, but the whole thing is starting to fade to green as autumn creeps on. A few things, such as the mixed tub of cornus and abelia above, as coming into their own at this time of year though. The last few abelia flowers go wonderfully against the mixed foliage. As autumn fades, the cornus leaves will fall, leaving the bright red stems which will see through the winter until growth starts again in the spring. Fuschias h...